Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm a Christian now

We had a night of praise and the Lord's Supper tonight at church. With Ashlyn just turning 3, childcare was not an option. Matt and I decided we would give the service a try with Ashlyn...just to see how it might go.

Ashlyn did great for the most part. She liked all of the singing, but after awhile, was just ready to go. Of course this is right about the time we begin to take the Lord's Supper. As the crackers were passed, I explained to her the meaning and reminded her of what we have talked about over and over at home. She said she remembered the Christmas Tree and seeing Jesus die on the cross. I thought she would ask for a cracker, but she didn't. Of course then we went on to receive our cups of juice. Here is where she decided that she wanted to take part...

A - Mommy can I have some juice please?
M - No Ashlyn, you cannot drink this.
A - But Mommy, I'm thirsty. Let me just have a sip.

I had to explain again the meaning of the items we were receiving. She said she knew Jesus paid for our sins with His blood. I then went on to tell her that only once you become a Christian can you take part in the Lord's Supper.

A - (Whispering in my ear) Mommy, I can be a Christian. I am a Christian. Can I please have some juice now?

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