Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Prince Charming

Ashlyn's Aunt Kathryn got engaged tonight! We are so excited! I shared with Ashlyn how Joseph is Aunt Kitty's Prince Charming. Here is a little bit of our conversation...

(I am holding Ashlyn in my lap and combing her hair for bed)
Me: When you get older, some little boy is going to come and sweep you off of your feet! He will be your Prince Charming. (Ashlyn starts to get really still and listen) He will love you more than any other girl ever! He will tell you that you are the most wonderful and beautiful girl in the whole world! (Ashlyn starts smiling real big and shrugging her shoulders) He will buy you a sweet little house

Ashlyn: He buyed me a home?

and take the best care of you. He will take you to all of your favorite places and be your best friend. He will pray and read the bible with you, and he will take you to church. He will love you like Jesus loves the church! You will go and live with him and he will love you for forever! (Ashlyn is completely enthralled by this story!)

Ashlyn: Mommy, tell me again!

I go on to repeat this story four more times...she loves it!
As I lay her in bed, I ask her who she wants to pray for...

Ashlyn: I pray for that sweet little boy my prince charming. Mommy, can we go see him?
Me: I don't know where he is, but we can ask Jesus to take care of him.
Ashlyn: (A concerned look crosses her face for a moment) He going to sweep my feet off?
Me: No. He will sweep YOU off of your feet!
Ashlyn: No, he don't sweep my feet off...just my crocs!

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