Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pink or Blue?

We are down to one day before THE ultrasound! With Ashlyn, we just called everyone on the phone to announce the princess, so this time, we thought we would get more creative. For Thanksgiving, we are bringing a plate of either blue or pink iced cookies to announce baby's gender. Ashlyn is SUPER thrilled to make cookies!

A - Mommy, when can I make those cookies?
M - Not until Tuesday.
A - Are we making pink ones?
M - I don't know yet. We have to wait for the dr. visit on Wednesday to ice them. If the baby is a boy, they will be blue though, not pink.
A - Well Mommy, you KNOW that I only eat pink cookies!

Poor baby. I don't think we will be able to convince Ashlyn of anything but a girl even if baby is a boy!

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